Community Driven

SuperNova $Nova, Blackhole $BLK and Starlink $SLINK are at the centre of the SuperNova FTM ecosystem…..

Community driven, hyper deflationary and yielding fair launch coins on the Fantom opera blockchain. The dev team will be controlling the supply of coins and liquidity for the initial months but once all coins are on the market we will renounce ownership of the contracts and lock liquidity forever.

Starlink is a reflection token, so is a slightly different contract than Nova and BLK. Your 8% holder’s rewards will be paid in chainlink!

SuperNova FTM Community

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SuperNova Ftm Metamask Wallet

How to set up Metamask on Fantom!

MetaMask is one of the most popular browser extensions that serves as a way of storing your Ethereum and other ERC-20 Tokens. The extension is free and secure, and it allows web applications to read and interact with Ethereum’s blockchain.

Read through this step by step tutorial on how to setup your Metamask Wallet today. You will need a Metamask wallet to start trading with the SuperNova FTM Ecosystem. Click the button below and follow the how to guide to find out how.

Supernova FTM Farming

Supernova FTM farming information!

For Information and links on farming Supernova FTM & Blackhole please read through this page to find out how to get started.

Links to enable you to complete the process are fond on this page.

For more information on farming please get in contact with us through our discord or twitter.